Category: Software development

Combinatorial Test Case Generation

Himanshu Sheth is a seasoned technologist and blogger with more than 15+ years of diverse working experience. He currently works as the “Lead Developer Evangelist” and “Senior Manager “ at LambdaTest. He is very active with the startup community in Bengaluru and loves interacting with passionate founders on his personal blog (which he has been maintaining since last 15+ years).

definition of pairwise testing

Similar to any test approach, it is recommended that you have a look at case-studies/projects in your organization where pairwise testing was successfully deployed and fetched good results. As the test combinations are derived using techniques like Orthogonal Array, there are possibilities where the most important inputs are not given proper consideration during test case design & development. In case of cross browser testing; ‘browser version’ is an important parameter and testing may falter in case certain browser versions are not tested to the full potential. This would reduce the overall complexity involved in execution of these test combinations.

Playwright Testing

Bugs caused by interaction between three or more parameters are usually very uncommon and provide very less justification for the greater investment in searching for them. Usually, we use techniques like boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning to find out individual parameters for inputs. In Pairwise testing, we analyze the application to identify the range of value pairs to test that will help us uncover the highest percentage of defects.

definition of pairwise testing

That is why we should use this method only with a steady functional after the effectiveness of existing tests is exhausted. As an input, the program accepts a simple test file, called definition of pairwise testing the model, with variables and their values, and as an output, we receive generated test scenarios. Compiling the required value combinations is not an easy task sometimes.

Probabilistic models

As it can be clearly seen, we’ve managed to reduce the number of checks from 480 to 15. The number of rows in the document corresponds with the number of parameters. To better understand all benefits and details of this technique it is a good idea to see how this works for QA of a real project. For example, we need to test possible ways of how document called Loan contract can work and function.

  • We have algorithms to generate 6-wise tests, but it is a very heavy calculation and results in a lot of tests.
  • Phone of model Samsung can have ‘Buy/Sell’ option and that operation is only possible for cities like Mumbai & Hyderabad.
  • This helps ensure that the software works correctly in all scenarios, which is essential for producing reliable and bug-free software.
  • To keep the scenario less complex, we have not introduced the ‘browser versions’/‘OS versions’/device type, etc.
  • As mentioned earlier, software products have to be tested for ‘cross-browser + cross-platform + cross-device’ compatibility before they are released to the end customers.
  • You can perform Automation testing using their online Selenium grid, UI regression testing, Responsive testing, live interaction testing, and so much more on the LambdaTest platform.

Pairwise testing is applicable to many kinds of software and hardware testing problems. Let us look at a few cases that should demonstrate the kind of testing problems for which pairwise testing is applicable. If there are two options that a customer can select and that will produce a problem in the resulting car, this is an example of a fault that will be found by pairwise testing. In fact, pairwise testing ensures that every pair of options a customer can select will occur in at least one of the forms generated. Having a domain expert make tests for a software or hardware system is valuable and highly recommended.

Frequently asked questions about t tests

Test each grouping first for defects, then combine them, to have confidence that the finished product functions as expected. With or without a pairwise testing tool, it’s crucial for QA professionals to analyze the software and understand its function to create the most effective set of values. By default, order 2 is used, and combinations of value pairs are created (and that is what we call pairwise testing.) But we can also indicate, for example, 3, and in that case, triplets will be used and not pairs. In the simple model, the maximal order of value groups equals the number of variables, which makes sets of multiple options. Pairwise testing involves testing all possible discrete combinations of system’s each pair of input parameters instead of searching for all combinations of all parameters.

For example, 3-wise testing is t-wise testing with a thoroughness of 3. Parameter nameValue 1Value 2Value 3Value 4EnabledTrueFalse–Choice type123-Categoryabcd’Enabled’, “Choice Type” and “Category” have a choice range of 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Multiplying the two largest values indicates that a pair-wise tests would involve 12 tests. The pairwise test cases, generated by Microsoft’s «pict» tool, are shown below.

What is pairwise testing?

Some of the browsers might be configured with 200 different settings such as security and privacy settings, window sizes and color configurations. Pairwise testing is well-suited for testing that different combinations of customization will work. It’s important to select relevant and meaningful input parameters that would affect the behavior of the software. One of the major challenges is identifying the right set of input parameters. Pairwise testing is not useful if combinations of variables are not understood correctly. If testers don’t have a broad range of skills and knowledge of the application, they might not write testing scenarios that find defects.

This technique proves useful when there are simply too many possible configuration options and combinations to run through. We can significantly reduce the number of checks using pairwise testing method. To start using it, you’ll need to download it from GitHub, install the program, and create a txt file for input testing parameters. To keep the scenario less complex, we have not introduced the ‘browser versions’/‘OS versions’/device type, etc.

Introduction to Pairwise Testing

Pairwise testing is used to test all the possible discrete combinations of the parameters involved. All-pairs is a black box testing methodology that follows the assumption that most defects occur between two values, regardless of what the value represents. A tester analyzes the software to deduce the range of value pairs to test that will reveal the highest percentage of defects without wasting time. In the given materials, we will consider such a tool as PICT (Pairwise Independent Combinatorial Testing – the pairwise testing tool by Microsoft).

For example, the following shows the ANOVA summary table for the «Smiles and Leniency» data. In the application which we are planning to test, our columns would be Model, Transaction, IMEI, Location, booking type, timings. An online store is open 365/7 whereas the store is open only during Business working Hours (9 AM ~ 8 PM). Apart from buying phones of the brand , customers can also sell their old phones online or by visiting their store.

Visual Regression Cloud

Testing all possible combinations of these variables without all pairs testing would be difficult. However, by pairwise testing, testers can quickly and efficiently generate test cases that cover all possible combinations of font and color. This can help ensure that the software functions as expected and that users are not experiencing unexpected issues or errors. This can reduce the number of tests you need to run by 50% or more.